1. Praying for Bows--One Wednesday morning in September, I was getting the twins ready for preschool. While doing their hair, Jane asked for pigtails with the specific request to wear our crayon pigtail bow set. When we went into my closet to pull out the bows, however, the crayon bows were nowhere to be found. It seemed that the harder I looked and the less hopeful the situation, the more adamant Jane became that she get to wear those specific crayon bows. Eventually I asked the girls to go downstairs and put on their shoes while I continued to look through my things for the bows. Jane left pretty sulkily. When I went downstairs still sans bows, I ask Jane how she was feeling. "Better," she said. "I just said a prayer that Jesus would help me find the crayon bows for school today." I have to admit ... I panicked. I told her it was wonderful that she thought to pray and that I was sure Heavenly Father would help us, but since we were about to get in the car to go to school she shouldn't necessarily expect the bows to be found in time for school that day. We would wear them to school another day once they were found. I was trying to be comforting and reassuring, but Jane didn't seem to need that. She was calm and confident her prayer would be answered. I loaded the girls into the car and ran back upstairs to tear my room apart. Still no bows. When I got in the car, I reiterated what I had said earlier---I didn't think we would find the bows in time for school that day, but Heavenly Father would answer her prayer and we would find the bows to wear to school another day. We arrived at school and, though I normally leave my backpack in the car to walk the girls in, that day I decided to grab my bag. I locked the car and reached to put my keys in the side pocket of my bag when I felt something ...something that, when I pulled them out of the pocket, made my heart swell. Sure enough, there were the crayon bows. Jane looked thrilled and floated up the sidewalk after I put the bows in her hair, but she also recovered quickly as if part of her had expected that outcome all along. I, on the other hand, was humbled and touched and amazed and grateful for the reminder of the power that exists in childlike faith. It made my day just as much as it made hers.
Jane with the crayon bows in her hair at lunch after school that day |
3. Cookie Decorating Party--Over the twins' Fall Break from school we hosted a Halloween cookie decorating party with our neighbors. We turned on Halloween music and pulled out way too much candy and frosting. In other words, we had a blast!
Neighbor Eli Hirsche is a favorite among the girls
4. Imagination Station at the Library--We had never been to an Imagination Station at the library when we went in mid-October. The girls were big fans of the idea immediately upon entering the room, and I loved sitting back and watching what caught the attention of each of the girls. Claire gravitated toward the veterinarian station and had at least one puppy with her the entire time we were there. Jane was drawn to the baby doll and baking areas. Paige tried on a variety of "career" costumes and often mixed and matched their accessories. I realized watching them that my reference to them as "the girls" is certainly efficient and correct as a group label, but that I relish moments when I can bask in their individuality. I can't wait to see how they continue to travel their own paths into the future.
5. Nana + Papa Visit--Nana and Papa came to visit the weekend of October 19. We visited the fall festival at Vertuccio farms (a tradition that is running 4 years strong now) and the girls were able to show Nana and Papa their Halloween costumes at the Disney Store Halloween Party near our home. It was a wonderful weekend that went by much too quickly (as always)!
Jane as Dorothy:
Paige as Snow White:
Claire as Ariel:
Bedtime story in pumpkin pjs from Papa:
6. Dentist Visit--I was so proud of all three girls at their dental appointment (it was Claire's first)! They were friendly and brave and surprisingly relaxed. They were also thrilled with the tokens they received for prizes at the end of the visit.
7. Grandma + Grandpa Myler Visit--We were lucky enough to have Grandma Lexie and Grandpa Joe visit for our Halloween. They brought with them a plastic picnic table for our backyard that the girls love and that necessitated many outdoor meals during their visit (and since). Alexis has a great eye with photography and captured great images of the girls (most of the photos I have included here are hers). So grateful for memories like these.
Getting ready for school on Halloween:
Playtime and picnic in the backyard:
Other fun moments:
Getting ready for school on Halloween:
Playtime and picnic in the backyard:
Other fun moments:
Claire posed like this (above) completely on her own.
8. Halloween--The twins were old enough this year to really enjoy the anticipation of Halloween. They all helped me take the rings off of our paper chain as we counted down to the "big day." Halloween night, all three girls certainly enjoyed trick or treating and accumulating mounds of candy (naturally). The first picture shows the girls with another girl in the twins' preschool class, Naomi. Naomi's mother took this shot of them a few days before Halloween, and I love the way it captures all of them. Many of the other pictures were taken by Alexis.
Halloween night dinner included Halloween-shaped pasta, salad, and fruit:
A cute story accompanies this last picture. A little girl approached our house to trick or treat. Instead of heading toward Alexis on the porch with our bowl of candy, however, she came up to Paige's pile of candy that Paige had dumped on the driveway and took a piece from there. A split-second look of concern passed over Paige's face and then she just laughed, willing to let the piece of candy go. The little girl's parents saw what happened and had her return the candy, but Paige told the story with a smile on her face several times over the next few days.
9. Christmas Pictures--My mom put me in contact with a photographer, Abbie Nichols, who recently moved from my parents' ward in Huntington Beach to Gilbert. I had not planned on getting Christmas pictures taken this year, but I am so glad I did. Abbie made our half-hour photoshoot fun for the girls and captured the beautiful, playful stage the girls are in right now. The pictures (and their subjects, of course) are treasures!

Loading up on fruit snacks before heading to the photoshoot:
Donut reward after pictures:
10. Thanksgiving Holiday in CA--We traveled to California for Thanksgiving. We enjoyed beautiful beach time and spent the holiday with Sonne relatives at Marc and Barb's house. The girls still (in January) talk often about the cousins with whom they spent Thanksgiving and ask when they can see those cousins again. We all hope it won't be long. We, truly, have so much for which to be grateful.
Second generation of Sonne (and Proctor/Hyde/Myler) cousins: